- Defensive programming: Soluciones a cosas raras que suelen pasar con los estilos.
- CSS Tricks: Artículos buenos sobre como usar CSS para conseguir según que resultados.
- MDN CSS Documentación de Mozilla sobre CSS (tutoriales, referencia...)
- W3Schools CSS: Documentación de W3Schools sobre CSS
- Can I Use: Buscador mantenido por la comunidad para saber qué navegadores soportan una funcionalidad.
- Layout Generator Generador de layouts CSS
Absolute lengths:
- cm: centimeters
- mm: milimeters 0.1cm
- Q: quarter milimeters 0.025cm
- in: inches 2.54cm
- px: pixels 1/96in 1/243.8cm (cannonical unit)
- Not a device pixel! At the time of the standard, monitors where 96 DPI in 1024x798
- Distance to the screen also counts.
- Reference pixel, defined by the angle at arm length distance 71cmi s .26mm
- Thus, closer screens (mobiles) have smaller px and further screens (tv's, projectors) have wider px
- in screens also the distance to the screen counts, so it is the angle compared to that size at the arm distance
- pt: points 1/72in 1/182.88cm 1.333px
- often used for absolute font sizes
- pc: picas 1/6in 16px 4.2mm
- lh: line height, altura de linia del elemento (ideal para alturas donde quepan n lineas)
- rlh: root line height, altura de linea del elemento raiz
Rules of thumb for sizes:
Font sizes: use rem. To adapt the settings of the user
- percentance with max-min with as limit, in px/rem
- ch per controlar el nombre aproximat de characters
- let it flow min-height and relative to the viewport
Padding or margin: rem or em
- rem para distancias consistentes
- em para adaptarse a la fuente del elemento
px for small gaps, shadows...
media queries: em for consistency among browsers
Font relatives:
- ch: advance measure of a '0' zero of the current typeface. The advance measure of the font is the spacing with the next letter (text orientation is taken into account)
- ex: height of an 'x' of the current typeface (or the parent if it is used to change font-size). Used to compute interline spacings and margins
- em: width of an 'm' of the current typeface (or the parent if it is used to change font-size)
- being m the wider letter, ensures that at least those letters will be in
- matches the font size (a 10pt font size, 1em is 3.5mm)
- rem: root em, em of the root element, not the current or the parent (Takes into account user's and system preferences)
Parent relative lengths:
- %: percent relative to the parent's size
- fr: fraction of leftover space
Viewport relative lengths:
- vw: percent relative to the view port width
- vh: percent relative to the view port height
- vi: percent relative to the view port line axis (horizontal for most, but vertical for some asian scripts)
- vb: percent relative to the view port block axis (vertical for most, but horizontal for some asian scripts)
- vmin: percent relative to the view port min axis (height or width)
- vmax: percent relative to the view port max axis (height or width)
Container query relative lengths:
- cqw: container query width per cent
- cqh: container query height per cent
- cqi: container query inline size (in ltr width, but changes with direction)
- cqb: container query block size (in ltr height, but changes with direction)
- cpmin: container query min of width and height
- cpmax: container query max of width and height
- turn: full turn
- deg: degrees 360 per turn (canonical unit)
- grad: gradians 400 per turn
- rad: radians 2pi per turn
Rotations are clockwise
When stating a direction 0 is north and 90deg is right/east
- s: seconds
- ms: miliseconds
- Hz: 1/s
- kHz: 1000/s
The size of a real pixel (dot) in the device
dpi: dots per inch dpcm: dots per cm dppx: dots per pixel unit
new functions
min(value, value, value...)
max(value, value, value...)
clamp(min, value, max)
attr(name units, fallback)
takes the value from named xml attribute of the target (no comma between attribute name and the unitsurl(url)
hsl(hue, saturation, lightness)
- hue 0/360 red, 120 green, 240 blue.
- saturation 100% is the full color, 0% a shade of gray
- lightness: 100% white, 50% normal, 0% black
hsla(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha)
new colors
- currentColor: Inherited color
- transparent: rgba(0,0,0,0)
new features
aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;
size: 50vw // sets both height and width
inset: 3rem; // sets up, right, left, and bottom
isolation: isolate; // creates a new context for z-index (like svg layers)
import styles from './file.css';
div:focus-within // selector any subelement has focus
blur(size) // gaussian blur
brightness(factor) // color value multiplier
grayscale(factor) // 0 unmodified 100% grayscale
contrast(factor%) // enhances contrast, 0% grey, 100% normal, more adds contrast
invert(factor) // negative colors linear beteen 0 and 100%
drop-shadow(x-offset y-offset span color) // unlike box-shadox follows the profile of the content, not the box, no inset nor spread applied
hue-rotate(angle) // applies a color wheel rotation
opacity(factor) // 0 full alpha 100% full opacity
saturate(factor) // 0 unsaturated, 100 normal, beyond saturated
contain: layout/style/paint // TODO: limit
orphans: n // Number of lonely lines at the end of a page/column/region (fragmentation break)
widows: n // Number of lonely lines at the begining of a page/column/region (fragmentation break)
text-wrap: balance // balances words in each line, for example for titles
color-mix(in <model> longer/shorter param, <color1> [percent], <color2> [percent])
lch/oklch // new color model
rgb(from var(--color) calc((r + g) / 2) calc((r + g) /2) b / .4) // modifies components of a given color
// make rules not to depend that more on specificity or order
@layer reset, elements, layout, components // from general to specific
@layer my-layer {
// subgrids (until now only in firefox, since sep 2024 also in safary and chrome)
// view transitions:
:user-invalid // much like :invalid but wait for the user to interact
CSS frameworks:
- Normalization: Stablish a common ground for default styles
- Polyfill (implementing new features in old browsers)
- Automated vendor prefixing
- Component Isolation (no class name clash, misspelling...)
- Dynamic properties
- Variables
- Rule selection (just if you use the component)
Basado en utility classes.
- No hace falta entender CSS, selectores...
- Poca legibilidad
- Poco semantico
- No replicable
- Poca mantenibilidad
- Dificil de salir
Styled Components
Vanilla CSS
CSS Modules
CSS files which are scoped locally by default.
Not a standard but a build step for component based frameworks which consists in generating unique names for classes and animatios used in a component. This isolates component design.
Css are imported into js files generating hashed classes that can be used in
Frameworks and libraries enabling css modules:
- Utility class: A class created not by semantic (header, card...) but to apply a specific style (red, left-aligned...)
- Breakpoint: Different device sizes for which a framework consider for you to change the styles for a responsive design
- Common sizes:
- xs (extra small, mobile)
- sm (small, tablet)
- md (medium, laptop)
- lg (large, desktop)
- xl (extra large, tv)
- Common sizes:
- Breakpoint prefixing: Defining utility classes which are activated just at certain breakpoint (device size).
- Example:
to activate hidden on medium - Following the mobile first principle, md means from md size and above, you set mobile and then, customize larger sizes with prefixed utility clases.
- Frameworks enable redefining boundaries and names.
- Example: