Deep learning
Notes taken from
- Lecture 1: A Brief History of Geometric Deep Learning - Michael Bronstein
- Full course for Begginners: How Deep Neural Networks Work
Definition of the field
Artificial Intelligence: Mimicking the intelligence or behavioural patterns of humans (or other living beings)
Machine Learning: Machine learning algorithms build a model based on sample data, known as training data, in order to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to do so.
Instead of telling the computer how to cook a recipe, you show it the input and the output and it figures out how to cook it. In order to do that you show it many recipes in order for it to learn.
Machine learning: Turning data into numbers and finding patterns in those numbers
While traditional Machine Learning works better with structured (tabular) data, deep learning works better on unstructured data.
However a given problem could be represented as either structured or unstructured.
Deep Learning: A type of Machine Learning, based on neural networks in which multiple layers of processing each extracting progressively higher level features from data.
Old ML (shallow) algoriths: - Random forest - Naive bayes - Nearest Neighbour - Support vector machines - Gradient boosted trees
Deep learning algorithms:
- Neural Networks
- Fully connected NN
- Convolutional NN
- Recurrent NN
- Transformers
- ...
_If you can build a rule based system that does the same, do that_
- When you cannot figure out all the rules
- When the rules changes all the time
- Getting insigths on large sets of data
But (mostly) not when:
- Traditional approach is a better option: well not mess with us
- Requiring explainability: deep learning results are often non interpretable
- When errors unacceptable: deep learning is not expectable
- Not large amounts of data: such amounts are required
Mostly because it can be circunvented
Neural networks
Neural Networks: Set or interconnected nodes (neurons) each one processing as inputs the outputs of the other nodes.
Input Data -> Numerical Input -> Neural Network -> Numerical Output -> Interpreted Output
Input data: Images, text, audio... Numerical Input: Processed numerical features as vectors of numbers Numerical Output: Learned output, also vectors/tensors of numbers Interpreted output: We know how to interprete output depending on the learning references
- Neuron: processing depending on some inputs to generate a single output
- Input layer: Neurons that receives directly the numerical input
- Output layer: Neurons that generates the numerical output
- Hidden layers: Neurons not involved with neither input or output
The learning of patterns is don in the hidden layers. This learning of patterns is also called embedding, weights, feature vectors, feature representation...
Types of learning:
- Supervised: Learning on labeled information
- Semisupervised: labels just for some inputs
- Unsupervised learning: Find patterns with no
- Transfer learning: TODO: Not understood
Real uses:
- Recommendation
- Sequence to sequence seq2seq
- Translation
- Speech recognition
- Classification/regression
- Computer vision
- Natural language processing
End-to-end platform:
- Preprocessing data
- Define neural models (neural arquitecture)
- Train in GPU/TPU (tensor processing unit)
- You can migrate the trained model to the application and use them
Tensor: Representacion númerica multidimensional
- Rank: Number of indexes to access a component
- Dimension(s): Number of numbers for each component
Rank 0: Scalar Rank 1: Vector Rank 2: Matrix Rank 3: Booom Rank 4 and beyond: Crackaboom
import TensorFlow as tf
c0 = tf.constant(4) # tensor rank 0 (scalar)
c1 = tf.constant([3,3]) # tensor rank 1 (vector)
c2 = tf.constant([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]) # tensor rank 2 (matrix)
c3 = tf.constant([[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]],[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]]) # tensor rank 3 (tensor)
# What we have
c3.shape # (2,3,2) can be reshaped with the shape param
c3.ndim # 3, the rank
c3.dtype # tf.int64, can be changed providing dtype param
tf.size(c3) # 12, the number of elements, multiplicative
c3[1] # slice the second element on the first dimension
c3[:,1] # slice the second element on the second dimension
v1 = tf.Variable([3,4])
v1[0] = 5 # fails
v1[0].assign(5) # works
v3 = tf.Variable([[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]],[[10,20],[30,40],[50,60]]])
# We will use random tensor to initialize the weights.
tf.random.uniform(shape) # minval=0. to maxval=1., if dtype = int, maxval must ve especified
tf.random.normal(shape) # mean=0, stddev=1
tf.random.Generator.from_seed(69) # for reproducibility
# Also you can use operation level seed (seed=x parameter),
# but then they are combined and in order to have
# reproducible results you have to specify them both always
tf.shuffle(v3) # returns a tensor with the first dimension randomly exchanged
# We use shuffle to randomly set the order of the training inputs
# Often is useful to create zero and ones matrixes
import numpy as np
v = tf.constant(np.arrange(30), shape=(3,2,5)) # numpy -> tensorflow
n = v.numpy() # tensorflow -> numpy
Indexing the tensors
each dimension can have a slice, comma separated:
- : full dimension (the default if not specified for inner dims)
- 2 the third item of the dimension (the dimension is removed)
- -1 the last element along the dimension
- :2 first two items
- :-3 the last 3 elements along the dimension
- 2:3 the third element but keeps dimension
- 1::2 odd elements
- ::-1 elemens in inverted order
- tf.newaxis expand a 1 lenght dimension
In order to remove single dimensions (dimensions of size 1)
For element wise ops +
, *
Usually function is faster than operator:
Unary ops
Not for inttf.math.log
Not for inttf.math.squared
All of them are aliased into tf
, like tf.add
Matrix multiplication:
aliased as tf.matmul
# Inner dimensions must match, 3 in the example
tf.matmul(tf.random.uniform((2,3)), tf.random.uniform((3,4))).shape
How to make it match?
tf.reshape(x, shape) # be careful!! it relocates elements do not flip elements tf.transpose(x) # inverts the axis order
Data types
By default, deduces the type from
- float -> tf.float32
- int -> tf.int32
TPU's use tf.float16
for speedup and space.
How to obtain different precissions?
Also in construction specify the dtype
Another common use is ops that do not work with ints
Tensor Aggregation
Condensing values
By default reduces all axes, but you can specify the axis to reduce (integer or tuple)
returns the index wich has the position
One-hot encoding
Way of encoding enumeration.
NN for regression
Regression problem: Predicting a number given a lot of parametrized examples.
- Independent variables: the ones used as reference (predictors, features, covariates)
- Dependent variables: the ones to be predicted (outcome variable)
A learning system could infer the relationship of the dependant variables respect the independant ones.
The commonly used is the linear regression that suposes a proportion or inverse proportion among variables.
Example: Price of a house depending on the number of rooms, bathrooms and garage space (how many cars).
Features, shape 3:
- Number of rooms
- Number of bathrooms
- Number of cars in garage
Outcome, shape 1:
- House price
Other parameters:
- Hidden activation: ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit)
- Option activation:
- Loss function: Computes the error on the output
- (MSE) Mean Square Error
- (MAE) Mean Absolute error
- Huber (combination of MSE and MAE)
- Optimizer: How to compute the next weights given the error
- SGD Stochastic Gradient Descent
- Adam Adaptative Moment Estimation
- Evaluation metrics: Human indicator on how well works
# Set random seed
# Create a model using the Sequential API
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
# Compile the model
loss=tf.keras.losses.mae, # mae is short for mean absolute error
optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(), # SGD is short for stochastic gradient descent
# Fit the model
#, y, epochs=5) # this will break with TensorFlow 2.7.0+, axis=-1), y, epochs=5)
Improving the model
- Model definition:
- Number of layers
- Number of neurons per layer
- Activation function
- Compilation:
- Optimization function
- Optimization rate
- Fitting:
- Number of epochs
- More data
Divide the data into 3 sets:
- Training set: The model learns from this data (70-80%)
- Validation set: To tune the parameters of the model (10-15%)
- Test set: To know the final performance achieved (10-15%)
Goal: Generalization: Perform well on data you haven't seen before.
Layer Dense
means that the layer connects to all the neurons of the previous level.
Trainable parameters are one for input or output connection.
A dense layer i
with n_i
nodes will have $$ n_{i-1}n_i + n n_{i+1} $$ learnable parameters
A network may have non-trainable parameters if we freeze them. You want to do this if you are reusing an already learnt model within a bigger one.
- Mean absolute error MAE: Reduces the importance of outliers
- Mean squared error MSE: Larger error are more significant than smaller errors
- Huber: Inside ð, use the square, outside use a linear proportion adjusted to be continuous in ð
- Learning data
- Model
- Training
- Predictions
Twiking: Change one parameter at a time and evaluate using the metrics.
Tip: Start small so that we can repeat experiments before they last so long.
Evaluation Libraries
- TensorBoard, web app to track experimentation with several models
Exporting and importing models'mymodel')
- Model structure
- Weights to predict
- Optimizer status to resume fitting
Its a folder with structure. Some files are protobuffer format (.pb
If you use the '.h5' extension it will be saved in a single file using the HDF5 format. This format is uses to exchange data with other frameworks.
How to visualize the training:
history =, y_train, epochs=100)
Normalize or standardize input data
Convert the input data so that all features have the same scale. ML algorithms perform better if input is normalized. Ie errors add more if the feature has large numbers.
- MinMaxScaler: Scale linearly mapping min and max to 0 and 1
- Standardizer: Remove the mean divide by the stddev
You fit the column transformer to the training set, and then apply to both the training and the test set.
Classification with NN
Binary classification: Two exclusive categories (Is it spam? yes or no)
Multiclass classification: For each sample choose one of the categories
Multilabel classification: When several labels can apply to a sample
What is different?
- Input Layer may hav structure
- Output Layer, one by category (in binary just one)
- Output Activation: Softmax (or Sigmoid for binary)
- Loss Function:
for binary) - Avaluation: accuracy
Inputs and outputs
The outputs should have an output value for each category/label with a value from 0 to 1, ideally one-hot-encoding.
Default is linear, good for the output but hard for non-linear problems like this one.
- Linear: passthru f(x) = x
- ReLU: linear but zero for negative f(x) = max(0,x)
- Sigmoid: curved on onf f(x) = 1 / (1+exp(x))
- True positive: predicted positive, and it was
- True negative: predicted negative, and it was
- False positive: predicted positive, but was negative
- False negative: predicted negative, but was positive
- Accuracy:
- (tp + tn) / (total)
- General purpose. Not best for imbalanced classes
- Precission:
- tp / (tp + tn)
- Leads to less false positives
- You want to confirm that you detect it is right
- You want apply experimental treatments just the ones that has Covid
- Recall
- tp / (tp + fn)
- Leads to less false negatives
- You want to catch any suspect
- You want to screen any Covid supect
- F1-score:
- 2(precissionrecall)/(precission+recall) = tp / (tp + 1/2(fp+fn))
# not in tensorflow
- Confusion matrix:
- Not a metric
- Good with many classes.
Multi-class classification
Process input data
- Turn all your data into numbers
- Make them have the proper shape
- Normalize them
Internal representation
Each layer has NxM weights. N outer layer nodes, M number of nodes
Every neuron has a bias parameter. Iniciatialized zero as default. The bias is applied (multiplied) to the output to all the neurons of the next layer.
Weights are randomly initialized at the beginning.
parameter, by default glorot uniform
Generates the outputs of the trained data
If fails, the error is propagated back. How?
Convolutional Neural Nets (ConvNets)
The first layer are convolution kernels on a local region of the input.
Have sense on data that has local connection: images (w,h), sound (f,t), text (t)
Rule of thumb: Given a matrix of input data, if swapping rows or columns is meaningless, there is no point of using ConvNets.
- Ex: a table of clients with columns (the order of clients is meaningless, the orded of columns as well)
- Ex: Text with a matrix of time x words, words in a dictionary has no meaningful order, but still time dimension could be useful
Recurrent Neural Nets
If the previous result, has impact on the next.
To expand memory beyond the last result, we need memory
- Ignore network: decides what passes to the memory pipeline
- Forget network: decides what is ignored for the next input
- Selection network: decides what of the memory goes outside as output
Applications: sequence based
- text
- speech
- audio
- video
- robotics
physical process