

From: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-handrews-json-schema-validation/?include_text=1

  • Instance: the data to be validated
  • Schema: defines the validation of such data
  • An schema is either a boolean or an object.
    • booleans validate always true or false
    • an empty object validates true
    • a non empty object validates if every keyword validates
  • Schema keywords:

    • Annotations: Always validate but provide information
      • title: short one line description
      • description: longer description
      • readOnly: issuer authority provides this value and cannot be changed (ex. ids)
      • writeOnly: issuer authority does not provide the value (ex. non stored values)
      • default: a value implementations can use to provide the value when not available
      • examples: a list of valid instances
    • General:
      • type: string of list of unique strings
        • Validates true if the instance matches the type
        • Possible values: null, boolean, object, array, number, string, integer
      • enum: list of one or more unique values (any type including null)
        • Validates true if the instance is equal to any of the values of the list
      • const: a single value of any type including null
        • Validates true if the instance matches the valuea
    • For numbers and integers:
      • multipleOf: instance is a multiple of the key value
      • maximum: instance <= the key value
      • exclusiveMaximum: instance < the key value
      • minimum: instance >= the key value
      • exclusiveMinimum: instance > the key value
    • For Strings:
      • maxLength: integer > 0
      • minLength: integer >=0, default 0
      • pattern: instance matches regexp
        • ECMA 262 regular
        • not anchored so use ^ and $ as needed
      • format: string
        • Informative
        • Implementations may or may not use them to validate
        • Formats:
          • date (full-date)
          • time (full-time)
          • date-time
          • email
          • idn-email: using unicode
          • hostname: dns dotted format
          • idn-hostname: using unicode
          • ipv4
          • ipv6
          • uri: absolute
          • uri-reference: absolute or relative
          • iri: unicode uri
          • iri-reference: unicode uri-reference
          • uri-template: parametrized iri-reference
          • json-pointer: path into a json fragment
          • relative-json-pointer: relative path to a json fragment
          • regexp: a valid ECMA 262 regexp
    • For Arrays:
      • items: an schema of an array of schemas
        • with a single schema, all items of the instance validates the schema
        • with an array of schemi, every position must match the value of the schema at the same position
      • maxItems: integer
      • minItems: integer, default 0
      • additionalItems: schema
        • when items is an array, schema for items beyond maxItems are validated
        • ignored otherwise
        • default empty schema (validates anything)
      • uniqueItems: if true, items must be unique, default false
      • contains: Validates true if one element of instance is the key value
    • For Objects:
      • maxProperties: validates true if instance has less or equal properties than the key value
      • minProperties: validates true if instance has more or equal properties than the key value, default 0
      • required: list of strings, required set of properties
      • properties: map of schemes
        • validates true if every every key apearing also in the instance, matches the schema under that key
      • patternProperties: map of schemes
        • like properties but keys match as regexp
        • valid if every key value of the instance matches all schemas under a pattern-key that matches the key
      • additionalProperties: schema
        • schema is applied to any key not matching properties or patternProperties
        • false disallows
      • dependencies: DEPRECATED use if/then/else
      • propertyNames: a schema applied to he property names (so, applied to a string)
    • Conditional schemas:
      • if: schema
        • always validates, but the validation on the schema has side effects on then and else keywords
      • then: schema. Keyword validates if either:
        • no if keyword
        • if keyword schema validates false for the instance
        • the schema validates true for the instance
      • else: schema. Keyword validates if either:
        • no if keyword
        • if keyword schema validates true for the instance
        • the schema validates true for the instance
    • Logical composition
      • allOf: schema array
        • all schemi should validate
      • anyOf: schema array
        • Validates any of the schema validates
      • oneOf: schema array
        • Validates if just one of the schema validates
      • not: schema
        • Validates if the schema does not validate
  • Interoperability:

    • Strings are valid JSON strings, might contain \0x0000
    • Numbers are not constrained by magnitude or precission
    • Regular expressions are ECMA 262. Recommended to limit to the following features:
      • un anchored by default
      • unicode
      • character classes: [agx] one of those characters
      • character ranges: [a-z] character range
      • complement: [^agx] none of those character
      • quantifier: + (one or more) * (zero or more) ? (zero or one)
      • range quantifiers: {n} (just n times), {n,m} (n to m times) {n,} (n or more times)
      • lazy quantifiers: +?, *?, ??, {...}? TODO
      • anchors: ^ (to the beginnig) $ (to the end)
      • grouping: (...) and alternation: |
      • TODO: Other features like ., escaping, and backslash codes forbiden? Not recommended?