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in - on - at


Enclose space (walls, edges, borders): in

  • I am sitting in my car
  • Is ther any tea in that cup
  • My phone is in my pocket

Enclose within a liquid

  • I am swimming in the water

Over a flat surfaces: on

  • The camera is on the tripod

At the edges: at

  • At the beginning
  • At the end
  • In the middle

  • In the end eventually

  • In the begining of times


Cities, countries, regions... enclosed, so in

Warning: go always to

  • Go to England, not ~go in England~
  • I live on Sesame Street


Address or specific locations:

  • I live at 4 Sesame Street
  • I am at home
  • I sit at the table but The sauce is on the table

  • at the beach means beach as location

  • in the beach means over the flat surface of the beach


Months years, seasons and moments of the day: in - in 2004 - in March - in Summer - in the morning - at night exception

Concrete days (dates, holidays, days of the week): - on november 10th - on my birthday - on independence day - on Monday

Periods of the year: at - at Christmas/Easter - but: on Christmas day (because is just the day)

Specific times: - at 7:00 - at noon - at midnight


  • in a car (enclosed)
  • on a bike (over surface)
  • on a bus/plane/train/boat (any transport)


Internet as location is a surface 'on'

  • if found it on interneta
  • i posted it on facebook
  • you are always on your phone

Learning in chuncks

  • in time
  • on time
  • in love
  • at first sigth
  • in conclusion
  • on fire
  • in trouble
  • in a good mood

over above under below

  • over movement
    • i threw the ball over the roof
    • the plane pass over our house
    • walking over the bridge
  • above no movement
    • the ceiling is above my head
  • on touching

    • the book is on the table
  • under covers

    • your legs are under the table
    • my key is under the sofa
  • below just level (oposite above)
    • the death valley is 86 meters below the sea level
    • but the titanic is under the sea (because it covers)
  • underneath formal under
  • beneath formal below


  • to: destination
    • i go to England
  • to: motive with infinitive
    • i go to England to visit my
  • to: recipient
    • i go to England to give a present to my parents
  • to: time
    • a quarter to six
  • to: comparision
    • i prefer going by plane to driving
  • to: distance
    • it's a thousand of milles to this place
  • for: function (gerund)
    • a kettle is for boiling water
  • for: helping
    • could you put the kettle on for me please
    • i'll do for you
  • for: durante
    • i've been waiting it for 2 minutes
  • for: benefits:
    • it is good for your health
  • for: motive with noums (or verbs in gerunds)
    • i went there for a cup of tea
    • i went there to have a cup of tea
  • for: agree, opposite of against
    • i am for (or against) brexit