English Vocabulary for SE enterviews
- cooperative member: socio de la cooperativa
- hacerse socio: become a member
- non-profit: sin animo de lucro
- governing board/council: consejo rector
- assembly: asamblea [esen'bli]
- growth: crecimiento
- has grown: ha crecido
- local group: grupos locales
- distributed across the country: [destri'biuted acroos da cauntri]
- surplus: excedentes
- fair fares: tarifas justas [fer fers]
- shareholders: accionistas (de las grandes)
- profits: beneficios
- afordable: assequible [afor'dabol]
- amortized: [amoor'taized]
- funding: financiaci贸n
- comercial: anuncio
- advertising:: publicidad
- auction: subasta [oxion]
- bid: pujar
- privatize: [prai'vatais]
- privatization: [prai'vatais eixon]
- viability: [baiabil路liti]
- undermining: entorpecer, torpedear
- renewable: [riniu'abol]
- self-production: auto-producci贸n
- major companies: grandes empresas
- contract holder: titular del contrato
- contract payer: pagador del contrato
- contract sponsor: socio asociado al contrato
- sponsor: afadrinar (un contracte d'un tercer)
- use: consumo/consumir
- kilowatt hour: [ki'lovatag眉er]
- bounties: primas (a las renovables)
- they have obstructed: han puesto trabas
- pannels: placas (fotovoltaicas)
- roof: cubiertas/tejados
- operating margins: margen operativo
- meter: contador [mi'te]
- developing renewable projects: [dive'loping reniu'abal pra'jects]
- to develop renewable projects: [tu dive'lop reniu'abal pra'jects]
- presa: dam [dAm]
- hydropower plant: Planta hydroelectrica
- nuclear power plant: Planta nuclear [niu'clear pa'guer plant]
- politicians: politicos
- revolving doors: puertas giratorias [rivol'vin dors]
- advisor: consejero (Gonzalez, Aznar...) [edvai'sar]
- high profile executives: ejecutivos de alto nivel
- salary: salarios
- bill: ley borrador en proceso de ser aprobada
- law: ley aprobada
- drawer: cajon [droue]
- draft: borrador
- pass: aprobar (una ley (bill))
- reject: rechazar (una ley)
- decline: rechazar (una peticion)
- appeal: apelar
- European union: Union Europea [yu'ro pi'an yu'nion]
Business administration
Invoicing and payments
- factura: invoice
- factura ordinaria: regular invoice
- factura abonadora: cancellation invoice
- factura rectificadora: correction invoice
- factura emitida: emitted invoice
- factura anulada: void invoice
- factura en borrador: draft invoice
- factura pagada: paid invoice (not payed, please!)
- factura impagada: unpaid invoice
- emitir facturas: to emit invoices
- pago domiciliado: (SEPA) direct debit payment
- domiciliar el pago: to
- pago al contado: cash payment
- pargar al contado: to pay in cash
- pago con targeta: credit/debit card payment
- pagar con targeta: to pay using a credit card
- morosa: slow payer
- pago retrasado: late payment
- persona socia: member
- ser persona socia: membership
- contract: contracto
- service: servicio
- alta: registration, signup (joined when a sustative)
- darse de alta: to register, to sign up (separated when a verb)
- baja: termination, cancellation
- baja como persona socia: membership cancellation
- baja de contrato: contract cancelation
- darse de baja: to cancel, to terminate
- dar de baja el contrato: to terminate the contract, to cancel the contract
- dar de baja como persona socia: to cancel the membership
- hacerse socia/darse de alta como socia: become a member, signup as a member, register as a member
- dar de alta el servicio: sign up for the service, register for the service
- dar de alta el contrato: sign up the contracta
Investments and contributions
- inversi贸n: investment
- invertir: to invest
- aportaci贸n: contribution
- aportar: to contribute
- SomEnergia is a cooperative
- that joins together
- more than 20 thousands
- electricity users,
- who want to make our own choices
- on topic we have no choice as plain consumers.
With the final goal
- of changing the market to one that is more friendly to users
- and to reduce the environmental impact of the sector.
For instance, by becoming our own comercializers we can choose:
- Buying 100% renewable energy
- Adjusting prices to the real costs, or
- Reinvesting the surplus into new renewable projects
- Still many of the sector regulation go against any alternative to the existing players and tecnologies
But so far, we are in our fourth year and growing steady
- we are now more than 20k members, and
- we manage more than 25k contracts,
At the time SomEnergia was founded,
- some retailers, also offered renewable products
- not 100% but sure more expensive than the regular fare
- like many "organic" products
- That has no sense at all,
- since renewable sources are cheaper than dirty ones
- In fact, we are now offering lower fares than most dirty energy producers
- That's the other choice I said we can make
- Being a small one, some processes are more expensive for us
- But
- We are non-profit
- so we don't have to pay revenues to shareholders
- We don't pay high salaries for high profile executives
- We have no politicians to hire as advisors in exchange of favors
- All our marketing strength comes from volunteers attending fairs and giving talks
- So members choose to cover the costs
- and to set stable fares that adapt as costs evolve
- No big loses, no big gains.
- We also choose
- to reinvest the small gains we get
- into our own production projects
- Our initial intent was covering most of our use with our own plants
- But we are steady at the 10%
- Mostly because we are growing in contracts beyond any expectation
- But also because
- regulation changes and bill proposals
- are undermining the expansion of renewable sources
- and most projects have been expectating
- Here we choosed not to be expecting anymore
- and find new formulas we can develop new projects.
How complicated is to build such a cooperative?
- Spanish electricity market is really a hard market
- Moreover if you are starting small
- Major companies have dictated most of the bills related to the sector
- Most of them agains the users' interest
- Politicians that approved such bills got nice jobs in the sector afterwards
Aren't members setting undercost fares?
- We are the users
- We also own the cooperative
- It is our tool to change the market
- To save the environment
- By undermining the viability of the cooperative
- we would loose that tool
- We'll choose to minimize fares
- We'll be very cautious to cover the costs we have