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Binary base


Given n represented in base b, shares a factor with:

  • b: if the final digit shares a factor with b (considering 0 as b)
    • ie In Base10, numbers ending with
      • 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 are divisible by 2
      • 0, 5 are divisible by 5
  • b-1 if the digit sum shares a factor with b-1
    • ie In Base10, b-1 is 9, which has double 3 factors. if the sum of factors is divisible by 3, n is divisible by 3
  • b+1 if the digit alternated sum (+-) shares a factor with b+1 (considering 0 has common factor)

    • ie In Base10, b+1 is 11, 539 is 5-3+9 = 11 wich has 11 factor 4664
  • Grouping k digits you can do the trick with b^k

    • ie 19998 is 1:99:98 in 100b, 1-99+98=0 so is divisible by 101
    • ie 19998 is 1:99:98 in 100b, 1+99+98=189=2*99 so is divisible by 99

In binary:

  • div 2: last bit 0
  • div 3: sum of duets of bits (b^2-1) or alternating sums of bits (b+1)
  • div 4 (b 2^2): last two digit is 0
  • div 5 (b^2+1): alternating sum of pairs of bits
  • div 7 (b^3-1): sum of triplets of bits
  • div 8 (b^3): last 3 triplet is 000

Extending divisibility ops for arbitrary number k

  • Compute b^a mod k until the result repeats
    • ie. for 11: 1 2 4 8 5(16) 10(32) 9(64) 7(128) 3(256) 6(512) 1(1024) ...
  • Bind each mod to each digit as weight
  • Multiply each digit of the number by its weight
  • If the result is itself divisible by k is divisible


X = sum(xi*b^i)
X mod k = sum(xi*b^i) mod k
X mod k = sum((xi*b^i) mod k) mod k
X mod k = sum(xi*(b^i mod k)) mod k
  • At the end, each digit 1 contributes to the divisibility as much as the mod of its weight
  • TODO: Why mod cycles on powers?
    • a^k % n = a%n a^k-1%n =
  • Former tests are specifics of this one (-1 is b-1)


1101 0101 / 100


  • Find the upper digits which are greater than the divisor, group them as target
  • The next result digit is the greater factor that multiplies the divisor below the grouped digits
  • Multiply the digit by the divident and substract to the grouped digits
  • Append to the substraction the next dividend digit and let be that the next target, repeat


Same but because the factor is always 1 or 0, each step is just a matter of whether we can substract or not the divider

  • Pull down one digit from the divisor to the reminder
  • Can we substract the divider from it?
    • If we can substract it, do it, 1 to the output
    • If we cannot substract, don't, 0 to the output
  • In any case pull down the next digit, and loop
  • When we came out of digits, the reminder is the integer reminder
  • To get decimals, pulldown zeroes and continue until you get a reminder you got before after running out of ones
    • The results between repetitions stablishes the decimal (binarial?) period
    • A zero reminder is a direct stop, because without ones, then next one will be zero as well.


 11001101010 (1642) / 10010 (18) = 1011011.r001110
       00100  <- integer remainder 100
            000100 <-Repeated

Square root

Xk = sum[i=0..k] (xi b^i)
Xk² = sum[i=0..k] (xi b^i)^2
Xk² = xk²*bk² + 2*xi*bk*Xk-1 + Xk-1²
Xk² = xk²*bk² + 2*xi*bk*Xk-1 + Xk-1²

Given that k-j terms have been computed

Xk² =


  • Group radicant digits in pairs from less significant to most, now, proceed from pairs from most significant
  • Find digit whose square is less or equal the pair
  • Substract the square pair
  • pull the next pair to the right side of the substraction
  • Annotate the obtained digits multipled by 2
  • Guess digit that appended to the annotated number and multiplying (s10+d)d is just bellow the substraction
  • This will be next digit of the result
  • Substract the


2  6  8  9  0
4   (2*2)
3 23
2 76 (2*20 +9)*9 = 276
  47 45
  42 24  (20*26+8)*8 = 4224
   5 21 26
   4 83 21 (20*268+9)*9 = 48321
     38 05 00
     37 65 09 = (2689*20+7)*7
        39 81 00
        00 00 00 = (26897*20+0)*0
        39 81 00 00
        00 00 00 00 = (268970*20+0)*0



  • Group bits in pairs from the decimal point (complement pairs with zeros at extremes)
  • initialize the remainder to zero
  • from most significant, pull down two digits from the radicand to the reminder right hand of the reminder
  • build the substraction, by appending 01 on the right to the already computed digits
  • if the substraction is over the reminder, next digit is 0, keep the reminder for the next iteration
  • if the substraction fits the reminder, next digit is 1, substract to get the reminder for the next iteration


01 10 00 11 10 01 01.00 00 00  (6373)
01 -> 1
00 10
01 01 -> 0
00 10 00
   10 01 -> 0
   10 00 11
    1 00 01 -> 1
    1 00 10 10
      10 01 01 -> 1
      10 01 01 01
      01 00 11 01 -> 1
      01 00 10 00 01
         10 01 11 01 -> 1.
         10 00 01 00 00
          1 00 11 11 01 -> .1
            11 01 00 11 00
            10 01 11 11 01 -> 1
            00 11 00 11 11 00
             1 00 11 11 11 01 -> 0
               11 00 11 11 00 00
                1 00 11 11 10 01 -> 1
                1 11 11 11 01 11 00
1 00 11 11.11 01 (79.8125<79.83107164506812)