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Admonition (customblocks.generators.admonition)

An admonition is a specially formatted text out of the main flow which remarks a piece of text. Often the text is placed in a box and with a side icon to identify it as that special type of text.

Admonition generator is, by default, assigned to the following types: attention, caution, danger, error, hint, important, note, tip, warning.

So you can write:

::: danger
    Do not try to do this at home

In order to generate:

<div class="admonition danger">
<p class="admonition-title">Danger</p>
<p>Do not try to do this at home</p>

Generated code emulates the one generated by ReST admonitions (which is also emulated by markdown.extra.admonition). So, you can benefit from existing styles and themes.

With the style of this documentation, it looks like this:


Do not try to do this at home


in the title box show that text instead of the
added as additional classes for the outter div
added as attributes for the outter div
reparsed as markdown


If you are migrating from extra.admonition, be careful since extra identifies title because the quotes, while customblocks will take the first parameter as title and next values as additional classes. If you like having the classes before, you should explicit especify title key.

::: danger blinking title="Super danger"
    Do **not** try to do this at home


You can use the recommended style.

Since most themes in generation environments (Pelican, mkdocs...) have already styles for admonitions, it might work without that css (just like this documentation) which is using mkdocs defaults.


::: note
    This is a note

::: note "Custom note title" style="border-width: 3pt; border-radius: 10pt"
    This is a note with customized style and title, and rich **markdown**

    - item
    - item

::: important
    This is important

::: warning
    This is a warning

::: caution
    This is a caution

::: attention
    Something to be attended

::: danger
    This is a danger

::: error
    This is a error

::: hint
    This is a hint

::: tip
    This is a tip


This is a note

Custom note title

This is a note with customized style and title, and rich markdown

  • item
  • item


This is important


This is a warning


This is a caution


Something to be attended


This is a danger


This is a error


This is a hint


This is a tip